"Cleanliness is next to Godliness, for God is our first Ancestor our High-gene" - Mami Wata from The House Of Patou
At The House Of Patou having immaculate hygiene is not only a necessity - as Mami Wata spirits DO NOT LIKE MESS , but cleaning our space is a ritual that we undergo every day. A tidy space makes for a tidy mind, and a tidy mind makes for a happy spirit, and we understand that as we clean our physical space, we are also cleaning up the spiritual space in which our spirits occupy too, but in the bigger picture of creation we know that cleaning our own personal space is too also clean up the spiritual as a WHOLE. This is why at The House Of Patou we are a clean up corporation, crafting tools and helping others too not only clean up their spaces but, as a whole, to also clean up their act!
Our brooms are a part of our spiritual clean up Team, this means that they are vessels in which specific spirits take up residence in so that while you are using the broom the clean up your physical space, simultaneously they are using the broom on the other side to help you clean up the spiritual space. By using our brooms you become part of creations Lymphatic System (imagine creation being one Big Body - just as our heavens have a solar system we too have the same system within our bodies - digestive system, lymphatic system ect), picking up the broom means undertaking the role of creations white blood cells - detoxifying your space, and creation, from toxic bacteria - a true warrior indeed!
Our Large brooms have be hand crafted, the beautiful faces utop the wooden handle has been moulded from clay, and our small hand crafted brooms have intricate beading around them, the bead crafting adding magic and a touch of sophistication.